Source code for steamfront.user

from requests import get as _get
from .errors import UserNotFound as _UserNotFound
from .errors import APIKeyRequired as _APIKeyRequired
from .userapp import UserApp as _UserApp

[docs]class User(object): ''' The user object, representing a Steam user :param str id64: The user's ID64. :param apiKey: Your API key. :type apiKey: Optional[str] :ivar raw: The raw `dict` that was retrieved from the API. :ivar id64: A `str` containing the user's ID64 value. :ivar name: A `str` of the user's display name on Steam. :ivar profile_url: `str` linking to the user's profile. :ivar avatar: The `str` of the URL that links to the user's avatar. :ivar status: A `str` showing what status the user is displaying as. :ivar private: A `bool` indicating whether or not this user's profile is private. :ivar last_online: An `int` of a Unix timestamp of when the user was last online. :ivar raw_games: The raw `dict` of what was retrieved from the API. :ivar game_count: An `int` showing how many games are on the user's profile. :ivar games: A `list` of `str` containing the app IDs of the user's games. :raises steamfront.errors.APIKeyRequired: An API key is needed to get user information from Steam. :raises steamfront.errors.UserNotFound: Raised if the user's ID64 is not able to be found on Steam. ''' getUser = '{key}&steamids={id64}' userGames = '{key}&steamid={id64}' def __init__(self, id64: str, apiKey: str=None): # You need an API key to get any user data if apiKey == None: raise _APIKeyRequired('An API key is required to get user information from the Steam API.') # Get the website data siteurl = User.getUser.format(id64=id64, key=apiKey) site = _get(siteurl) rawdata = site.json() # Start to parse try: userdata = rawdata['response']['players'][0] except IndexError: raise _UserNotFound('The specified user could not be found.') # Parse and store self.raw = userdata self.id64 = userdata['steamid'] = userdata['personaname'] self.profile_url = userdata['profileurl'] self.avatar = userdata['avatarfull'] self.status = { 0: 'Offline', 1: 'Online', 2: 'Busy', 3: 'Away', 4: 'Snooze', 5: 'Looking to trade', 6: 'Looking to play' }[userdata['personastate']] self.private = { 1: True, 3: False }[userdata['communityvisibilitystate']] self.last_online = userdata['lastlogoff'] # Get the website data for games siteurl = User.userGames.format(id64=id64, key=apiKey) site = _get(siteurl) rawdata = site.json() gamedata = rawdata['response']['games'] self.raw_apps = gamedata self.app_count = rawdata['response']['game_count'] self.apps = [_UserApp(i, self) for i in gamedata] # playtime_forever